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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rusty Eye Candy

If you love junk like I do, then you know these few images encompass a dream world where I wish to live

Beside these hulking behemoths 

Or, imagine seeing this from your back door

Wouldn't this make an awesome fence all welded together? But, it looks like it's some sort of ginormous wind chime-musical thingy...ah heaven, rusty, clanging goodness.

How about a nice refreshing libation in this verdant paradise?

Eventually, I will post how I am transforming my yard into a tasteful, yet playful junker's paradise. 'Til then this'll have to do. 

1 comment:

  1. I honestly want to own a salvage lot someday. (My childhood home neighbored an ersatz junkyard. How awesome is that?)
